Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Home Sweet Home


  • To strengthen your creative problem-solving skills so that you are looking at things in a different way;
  • To find letters of the alphabet in everyday objects to create a word;
  • To become familiar with basic photoshop tools.

I learned many things while doing this assignment. One major thing I learned was to look at different things with a different perspective. If you look at something strait on then you may not see the real beauty, or in this case a letter. While trying to find different letters I realized that you have to look at something for a while to see its real purpose and need to be in the picture. Another major thing that I learned was that anything can be interesting to take a photo of if you look at it from a new angle. We took everyday objects and saw a letter in them by looking at a it in different perspective. One last thing I learned was how to use photoshop correctly. It is a very complicated tool but we used it to improve our pictures. We learned how to use many tools affectively to change our photo. We also used it to make the photos black and white; to bring out the simpleness of the photo. Overall this project taught me a lot of things about everyday objects and photoshop. I really enjoyed this project.

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